‘Smart Cart’ to Help Small Businesses Thrive During These Difficult Times
Small businesses are one of those that have been highly affected by the measures implemented by the government to flatten the curve. However, small businesses aren’t too quick to close down. A lot of small restaurant owners resort to offer food delivery services with the help of third-party services such as Uber Eats and DoorDash.
These third-party service providers are useful and convenient. However, these are also costly to small restaurant owners because such service providers take huge cuts for the services they provide.
To help other small restaurant owners, Smart Cart has been rolled to operation. This platform has been created to provide an easier method for potential customers to order food online and at the same time for small restaurant owners to still receive profits without huge cuts from third-party service providers. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.
Plus, it’s simple to implement. It can be done by embedding Smart Cart into the restaurant’s website or a new website may be set up with Smart Cart embedded in it.
There is no need to download any app and it is user-friendly since customers can make orders through the various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. These orders can be directly received by the restaurants.
One challenging step that restaurant owners will need to hurdle is that they will still need to set up a delivery system. However, this downside is outweighed by the benefit that restaurant owners will receive, and that is, all the proceeds will go directly to them without any deductions.
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